Erik Pepper, PhD: Awareness and Control with Biofeedback to Improve Health in Schools and at Home
One Hour Recording From The 2022 NRBS Conference
Over the last few years more and more students report anxiety and stress related disorders which can be ameliorated and reversed through self-awareness and self-regulation approaches. By integrating wearable biofeedback devices to demonstrate how mind/body/emotions are interconnected, participants can increase their awareness and then implement regeneration strategies. When these skills are generalized at home and at work, many students report significant reduction in symptoms. The presentation focuses on the use breathing, posture, muscle, skin conductance and muscle feedback to demonstrate voluntary control, teach awareness of sympathetic reactivity and mastery to inhibit reactivity. It outlines a sequential 12 week group program that can be taught in schools and used in homes and at work.
Learning Objectives:
Erik Pepper, PhD