Course curriculum

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    Skills, Tips, & Tools for Somatic Applications in School-aged Children

    • Presentation by Jenna Prada, MEd & Alexandra Linardakis, RN, BCN:

Instructor Bios:

Jenna Prada, MEd

Jenna is a career educator with two masters in education and experience across diverse settings. As a certified classroom teacher and school building leader with experience overseeing the behavioral and academic interventions in grades six through twelve, Jenna understands the practical challenges that schools need to overcome when supporting diverse learners. In addition, as the founder and director of the executive functioning program at an elite private tutoring company, she has seen hundreds of IEPs, 504s and educational evaluations across dozens of districts and more than a handful of states for students from elementary school through college. Through all of that work as well as her involvement as a parent in the schools in her community, Jenna has engaged with a wide range of perspectives and developed the ability to communicate clearly with diverse sets of people. Jenna believes fundamentally in education as a reflective practice. Even as she recognizes that experience is an incredible teacher, she knows that engaging in formal learning makes her a more powerful resource for anyone she has the privilege of working with. Because she wants to be able to help any student that she comes into contact with, she completed the coursework to become a certified special educator on top of the degrees she earned early in her career. Jenna consistently attends workshops & webinars and plans her professional reading list at the start of each calendar year. She collaborates with teachers, psychologists and social workers regularly. And, in the end, her true passion is children. She does all of this because she tirelessly supports children, and that dedication weaves its way through every aspect of her life.

Alexandra Linardakis, RN, BCN

Alexandra Linardakis, RN BSN BCN works as a neurotherapist in upstate New York. She is the founder and director of Tetraneuronet. The services Tetraneuronet provides include qEEG brainwave recording and analysis, computerized neurocognitive assessments, a variety of somatic therapies, low-level stimulation modalities and biofeedback training. Tetraneuronet is a clinic that collaborates with psychiatrists, neurologists and other health care practitioners. The mission of this clinic is to provide services to clients that have central nervous system dysregulation. Alexandra works helping to alleviate symptoms with clients who have suffered from concussions, strokes, and trauma. She also works with clients with learning disabilities, cognitive impairment, neurodegenerative conditions, mental health disorders and chronic inflammatory conditions.